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Hurts To Watch -No Conspiracy…Just The Truth About 9/11

Here at Hurts To Watch we’ve seen just about every imaginable documentary and movie about Sept. 11. Some were filled with truth, some with lies, and others with exaggerated conspiracies blown out of context. We have to say that even though it Hurts To Watch this is probably one of the best movies we’ve seen on this matter. What really hits home is that it was made by the families of people who passed away in this terrible act. That’s what makes it genuine and real to the viewer. This movie also opens up a can of worms for those of you looking to dig deeper into the subject. We personally don’t think that this is a joke or a way for these families to make money. We feel that this movie shows more then ever that the U.S. Government played a bigger role on this day then they would ever admit. No talk about the planes carrying missiles, or remote controlled airplanes, or fabricated phone calls by the passengers in the flights that crashed. Just pure evidence on how our government reacted to the so called “attacks” before and after they occurred. If you were to ask us what we think… We believe that by people saying the Government carried out these attacks they’re just helping the cover up, because it would take a group of people more powerful or at least smarter then our Government to do that! If you do the research you’ll see that those groups and people possible of planning this certainly are out there!!! Remember that when you watch these movies it’s almost pointless to not watch the whole thing even though it Hurts To Watch!

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Hurts To Watch -Freedom Of The Press In The Hands Of The People.

If we look back at the reason “Freedom of The Press” really started, it was beacuse the people thought it was important to be informed about the things going on in their country. That freedom has been mangled and strangled to the point that we are not even getting the stories that matter to this country. Sure every once in a while some storie will slip by and make it to national t.v. but not most. This was the whole purpose we started Hurts To Watch. It’s a way for the people to write about the stories they feel matter that are not on your everyday news station or newspaper. We figure that if these powerful people can tell us what the news is or what they want it to… Why can’t we? Coming to an age where things are happening so fast that we can’t even catch up with them, we here at Hurts To Watch created a forum for all our members and viewers so that they can open there own discussions. We hope that this is something we can all benefit from. Remember that the point is that even when it Hurts To Watch, if it’s something we need to know then it’s worth WATCHING!

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