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Archive for February 3, 2008

Hurts To Watch -Ever Wonder About The End Of The World?

This is a semi old video about some ancient history. Now in school this was something that was never taught to me. If you’ve ever wondered about the end of the world or the millennium or Dec. 21, 2012 this might be something of interest to you. These videosĀ are mainly about the Sumerians but they made some predictions in their day that might astonish you. Since I watched these videos it led me to a dozen other topics like the planet Nibiru A.K.A. “Planet X” and there will be more on that later. InĀ the mean time you have to learn the steps and people that became before all this. What if we are rewriting the past? What if the end of the world has already happened before? To understand why and when you first need to watch these videos. They basically give you a detailed introduction to what will or may happen.

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