An Alternative Form Of Media With An Open Discussion

Archive for February 6, 2008

Hurts To Watch -The Fake Coming Of Christ And Others!

If you ever would’ve told me all the stuff that is on this website I probably would call you crazy! I understand where your coming from if you think all this is a little bizarre or far fetched. Again, I thought the same way a couple of years ago, and in some topics a couple months ago. It seems the more I dig and dig for information the less and less these things become weird or just out of this world. The more I find the more I start to think things like… Were the tabloids right or telling the truth this entire time? Well, if you’ve seen “Men In Black” you might have your answer! There’s a lot “Hollywood” has and is trying to tell us through subliminal messages or sometimes not. Go through the website and change your perspective on things and then go back and watch a bunch of movies and look for the messages! You know the ones to watch. The ones that always gave you that feeling that made you ask yourself…”could this be true or real?” The reason I mention these things is because even this story and video on “Project Blue Beam” seemed a little out there for me, but I have done some further research and realized that not to many people denied it or wrote too much about it being a hoax. Also if you have really done some research and know the goals of the “New World Order”(if you think they don’t exist just look at a dollar bill) it will fit in with their master plan. I’m not going to explain much on it because it’s better that you just watch the videos. Although I will tell you that the first person to write about it was a Canadian journalist called Serge Monast that worked for the International Free Press in Canada. Like most that report these things he died of a “heart attack” not too long after. You might be thinking… “a heart attack? That can happen to anyone!” Yes… it can but, so did the man helping him with this investigation. If this so called “Blue Beam Project” is true then it definitely Hurts To Watch!